Sunday, July 6, 2008

Google Nemesis: Real Deal Or Hype?

Google Nemesis Reviewed

What the heck is Google Nemesis anyway? What kind of mad man would stand up to that Goliath? Well, none other than the infamous Chris X. If you don't know who Chris X is by now, he is the Frankenstein who created the fastest-selling Clickbank monster ever: “Day Job Killer” which sold over 6,000 copies on the first day of it's release.

Day Job Killer was well received. It brought secrets long hidden by internet marketing gurus into the light for the newbie. This was a very welcome relief for vulnerable people who were taken in by every scam on the net promising to make overnight wheelbarrows full of cash with obsolete or often just plain wrong techniques that brought in trickles of money that didn't take a dent out of the advertising (and not to mention price of information itself) expenses.

This ebook showed the frustrated internet marketer the real deal and helped many of them make the kind of money that they knew was possible. But the shock for many others was that the real deal involved a lot more work than the turn-key, set-it-and-forget-it pictures painted by the other schemes. People that already had two jobs to make ends meet found it hard to put in the necessary hours required to make it work so they gave up and let the book collect dust on their hard drives.

This sparked an idea in Chris's head. What if he could take all the hard work necessary and put it into a software program that automates it to the point where a child could use it? It would find the niches, create the websites, and even estimate conversion rates. Chris apparantly knew it could be done because he ran off to his "laboratory" to create the monster that would turn the internet marketing world upside down.Chris became obsessed with his new project. He reportedly spent over $60,000 and 9 months working on it with two expert programmers. And now he is finally ready to unleash Google Nemesis onto an unsuspecting world. It designed to be the closest thing to push-button, dummy-proof internet marketing in existence.

It has been reported that Chris has already used this exact system to pull over $64,000 in just a few weeks and over $2700 per day. He has clickbank snapshots on his website to prove his earnings. It has also been said that he had some ordinary "guinea pigs" try out his system and make over $100 a day with it. It's supposed to be so easy a 7-year old could use it.

Sounds too good to be true? Perhaps. We read the same "auto-pilot" hype everyday. So why would someone with Chris's successful track record risk it all spending over $64k and 9 months of his life on something that didn't work and back it up with an 8-week guarantee? It's hard to believe that he would. So check it out here and you be the judge.

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